Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


We had rain first thing this morning but by the time I took Xena for a walk it was sunny. I thought that the reflections on the pond from the overhanging trees looked lovely in the sunshine. I did another fungi recce as a friend from the camera club wants to join me later this week to photograph the fungi.

I did some grocery shopping and went to see one of the Pilates studios in our village (there are two as it is so popular these days) to discuss Gavin and I starting Pilates. So many of our friends do Pilates and say it has made a world of difference to them for strength and easing aches and pains.

Tonight is camera club and unusually it is on zoom as it is a talk by another photographer. We have very few zoom meetings this year as the camera club is to be in person only this year, we voted on it and most people prefer to meet in person rather than sit behind a computer screen meeting via zoom. 

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