
As has become a regular feature of a Monday evening I catch up with the stories of the South America travellers.

Being a (physical) diary-keeping sort of person I started back in March to record their adventure.  It's all on Instagram but, regardless, I decided on a physical record.  It's turned out to be a systematic process that I very much enjoy.

- Identify where they are on the map of South America
- Mark with a sticker
- Screenshot the Instagram photos
- Save to an icloud file
- Download the photos from icloud
- Transfer into a folder on the desktop
- Select latest photos 
- Print photos (in two sizes, bigger and smaller)
- Cut photos into individual images
- Sort into stops relating to Instagram posts
- For each destination stick photos onto an A4 sized sheet of card (selecting my favourites to be bigger and the rest smaller)
- Change colour for each country

Something to make you smile here:

They have now done over 50 posts.

Here is the cat sitting on my work!

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