MonoMonday - MM455 - Urban Decay
Corstorphine Community Halls
Fire destroyed 15th Oct 2013.
Corstorphine Youth & Community Centre now moved from temp home on St John's Rd to Westfield House, Kirk Loan. Hope that will be a good venue for the various groups.
Don't know what they are going to do with this building now as not enough funding to rebuild it for the community.
Added colour version as interesting undergrowth overgrowth wildlife habitat there behind the fence & wall.
Also added another colourful pic for today. Virginia creeper climbing up & thru a holly tree - beautiful autumnal colours & starting to flower. Corstorphine Old Kirkyard.
World Mental Health Day - can be alone in nature - even in a Kirkyard - find peacefulness and can be at peace yet in busy places with folk rushing around I can feel alone and uncomfortable.
Stood under the Virginia creeper for a wee while soaking up the autumn colours.
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