Hobbs's Run

By hobbs


Well it's me again. Sorry about the most recent long absence.  I suppose that maintaining the creative urge is my biggest habitual hurdle and so I restart my endeavours, allowing myself a still greater measure of self indulgence than usual.

I want to explore the world of greyscale minimalist studies. 
"Black and white" has always been photography's default (and, I think,  most legitimate) interpretation of reality. Likewise it has always been the field to which I find myself most often drawn. 

So ... expect lots of attempts to examine and make sense of the seemingly trivial ... lots of opportunities to say something (more or less) original through fortuitous tricks of light, texture, tone, mood, shadow and focus. 

Wish me luck. Let's see how long I stick at it, this time. The extra is another composition from the same location (same seat actually)  - a seafood restaurant on a wharf at Woy Woy.

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