A visit to to Dumbarton provided many possible blips with my very first visit to Dumbarton castle (up on the volcanic plug guarding the way up the river Clyde) and also my visit (for lunch) actually inside Overtoun house, a Hogwarts lookalike donated together with 200 acres to the good people of Dumbarton. Both locations were great with the castle (Scottish Heritage) particularly giving amazing vistas over the surrounding parts and river. Lots of cannons too and a remarkable loo that leaves you in 100%, total darkness -the kind of pitch I thought only possible several hundred feet undergound when they switch the light out- if you dare linger longer than 4 minutes. (no, waving arms about did not help thank you). You have to be able-bodied to make the best of it (loads of STEEP steps) and have plenty puff.
This is a shot of the gunpowder store which in 1749 or so they sensibly built on the top with walls and roof that would allow any accident to up rather than any other direction. So Health & Safety isn't new.
Overtoun house is wonderful Victorian (?) architecture outside and has a Georgian appearance inside with fabulous mouldings, carved fireplaces and the nicest painted cheruby ceiling I have seen for a while. Get cheap lunches and cakes there only Fridays and Saturdays, also archery lessons out on the lawn for adults and kids (I think maybe only Saturdays).
I will put a few of my others on Flickr I think.
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