Happiness Is A Warm Punk

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I went back to work today, possibly a little prematurely. I did feel a bit wobbly but Ellie bought me an Emergency Banana and that helped a lot.

Thank you Ellie.

But it was also worth it to see Ellie and Briar. I do love their company. I helped Briar with a presentation she has to give. By which I mean I encouraged her insanity. She (for reasons I do not fully understand) decided to pepper the slides with Club Penguin and Puffles.

If you have no idea what she is talking about then welcome to my world. I guess it would be like if I did a presentation featuring Wacky Races and Mutley. Something like that.  

The point is this; it made her absurdly happy. She giggled and cut and pasted and was delighted.

Who am I to argue?

She also talked about Hannah Montana and other things that I remember Bokhara's daughter Grace loved when she was little. And I felt a yawning chasm of age opening up.

Not that this bothers Briar. She accepts me as I am, and somehow it all makes sense. Sort of.

Back at home Punky was having fun cuddling Caro. And this picture from her made me miss home.

It's funny how I can miss both. One when I'm at the other. Work and home are both full of love and fun and puffles these days.

I still marvel at it.


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