Mast year

That, according to my botanist daughter (out of ) law  is what they call a year where trees overproduce and this year the acorns are everywhere when there were none last year at all.  I am thinking of emulating the Duke of Wellington who took a handful of acorns when he went walking and planted them to replace those cut down for the Napoleonic wars.  I have planted one in a special acorn planting thing but so far it hasn’t done anything.  The little bent Discovery apple tree has produced hundreds of fruits as well and when I walked in the woods at lunch I could have picked thousands of well formed chestnuts. 

Barn work all day.  Ran into P’field late morning to pick up mending from the elusive menders. I took some patches that my friend Issy had crocheted to cover the moth holes and it is fair to say that the Polish mender Dorota thought they were the weirdest thing she ever saw. ‘It won’t be..perfect’. She said. 

Fast day so only ate a bowl of lentil soup for supper…I do feel better for doing a couple of days fasting a week.  Not losing much weight yet though…

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