Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Glorious day. We sat on the beach in blazing sunshine as if it were high summer, eating our vegan fish and chips and catching up with M., who joined us from home a few miles down the coast.

Having lost my wallet and had one of my cards used fraudulently to the  tune  of £80 yesterday, I borrowed TSM’s joint account card today and unbelievably managed to drop that somewhere  in Hove! I probably shouldn’t be allowed out on my own. No harm done, we managed to freeze it before anyone got in there. 

TSM and TGR tended to power ahead whereas I preferred to take it easy. Life should be a long slow stroll with many a smiling sideways glance, not a headlong rush with one eye on the mobile phone and another on whatever it is you think you’re late for. 

Other highlights of the day were a vegan doughnut emporium, chocolate mint vegan ice cream, and some very quirky sights and signs. 

Buzzy day. Collage attached.

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