Okinawan fist
I’ve been experimenting lately with the “Okinawan fist” - as described in Funakoshi Gichin’s book Karate-do Kyohan. I demonstrate it in the top image, with a more usual fist below for comparison.
I do conceptualise and form the fist in a bit of a different way from when I first tried this years ago: then I concentrated on the partially-extended index finger which the given images showed; it ended up feeling squashed and tight under the thumbs, and unsupported at the same time.
Now I’m just approaching it in a more functional way: curling up the fingers starting from the little, and allowing the index to remain slightly looser beneath the thumb. It ends up tight enough, and supported, without a sense of rigidity that feels there in the standard fist.
I have yet to punch the makiwara, so we'll see. I have hit the padded wall at the UFC gym, but nothing gives quite the feedback of a makiwara, if you want to know about your fist and punch.
So we'll see.
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