Sis & BIL

The weather has been great the last two days. It is 70:degrees and it’s only 12:30. There are so many great things to blip that it’s hard to choose. Scenery or family? I guess today will be family.  We went for a morning walk of about 1.5 miles round trip at Lake Onondaga. That thing behind them is part of a Christmas light display the park is putting up. We ate breakfast at a diner located next to railroad tracks that is appropriately named “Rosie’s Trackside Diner”. The food was good and a train even came by while we were there! This afternoon they have to go to the eye doctor so that will be the big event of the day. We are going to get up early to tomorrow to head to Kingston, Ontario, Canada where they spent most of the past year. Unfortunately it is supposed to rain all day but maybe it won’t be a cold rain. Time will tell.

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