Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I was looking around for something blue to fit in with the May HeartFreek Photo Challenge and found just the thing when I went into my quiet room this morning - my Bible!

Well, the cover is blue in parts - except for the spine where it is held together with sticky tape, but that's because it is well-loved and well-used. Even the writing on the front has been worn away, but I still know what's inside! In fact, on most days for the last 22 years since I first bought this Bible, it has been used. It is my manual for living, the place I go to when I need comfort, the book I choose to read when I want to be uplifted, the place I go to read about how much God loves even me and when I learn verses from this wonderful book, it helps me in all sorts of situations in my life.

This is the New International Version, but like most people of my age, I started off with a King James Bible, commonly known as the Authorised Version, and most of the verses I learned as a child are from that. In 2011 every school in England was given a copy of the King James Bible, so that children could understand the significance of it, as its 400th anniversary was marked.

If you want adventure, this book has it and plenty of it too!

If you love poetry - just take a look at the Psalms.

If you are looking for a romantic story, what better than the Song of Solomon - who needs other books about romance when you can read this one?

If you want to learn more about history then this book will help you.

And what other book offers you a priceless gift? If you want to know more about God and about life, about the world and about yourself - try reading the Bible.

I do have the entire Bible on my iPhone, but it doesn't compare with picking up my actual Bible and leafing through it. I am one of those people who marks and underlines verses in my Bible, so often I come across something that was special to me some years ago and which brings back precious memories.

If you know nothing about God when you start reading this book, you will certainly know a lot more about Him when you have finished it.

Have a great Sunday!

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