
By Nigel

Currying favour

Made a jar of balti masala paste and a jar of tandoori masala paste this afternoon.. Marinaded chicken in the tandoori paste mixed with yoghurt. Tomorrow there will be curry, possibly in excess.

Had an early start to the day, which looked quite pleasant from the inside but proved a tad windy from the outside. Got some coding done, SQL at 10 and PHP around 11. Might consider looking for other work so it's time to brush up my online presence and get it looking at least coherent. This is probably the only time I do anything concrete with my online identity, when it might be needed for work. I hasten to add it is not a different job I am looking at but another job. I could probably manage another 20 hours on top of my day job and as well as taking my mind off other things it would help boost the economy whilst Jen is not working. We will see...

Trent Reznor has released the source material for 3 of his new tracks for remix via Indaba music, spent some of the evening toying with these in the swanky new Reason Essentials 2. It really has awesome remix potential now and I can't wait to get my teeth into the remix properly tomorrow.

There was more SQL this evening, it's becoming quite a Saturday night thing. I even wrote an aggregation join first time this evening which made me feel quite proud.

NUFC managed not lose the game today and also kept a clean sheet but as the game was also a draw it wasn't really very exciting. Looking like we are going to be in the mix for the final day relegation raffle, we really cannot be going down again, that would be too tragic indeed!

There was some continuation of huffiness today but it started to subside as the day wore on.

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