Still working

Discovered that my old friend Al was going to be in town tomorrow for a gig at the Queen's Hall - it was going to be difficult if not impossible for us to get there for more than part of the evening, so we were very pleased to find out that he was coming to Edinburgh a day early and could go out for a meal together tonight. They were still somewhat jet-lagged so it was a fairly short but enjoyable meal in Mother India, with a lot of news and gossip to catch up on. Tried not to dwell on the number of old friends who had died since we last met.  Then left them back at the hotel, whilst we were in hopes of a no 35 bus. We walked down the Canongate for a couple of stops to let it catch up with us and this was the view from the bus stop at Whitefoord House (veterans residence) - some people still at work in the Parliament building.

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