Playing with leaves again
I collected a few more from around the garden yesterday and added them to the dish. Taken with Photosplit on my phone. I'm just playing with ideas at the moment but it feels as though it might have some potential.
I enjoyed the talks by Helen Thomas and Jim Souper on the Visual Art North Zoom meeting on Thursday evening, and was particularly inspired by Helen Thomas who showed us a project that she'd worked on a few years ago, linked to the Barnsley Canal. The images were freer and more abstract than her more recent work, which I loved. Each image was created on a relatively small rectangle of paper (maybe A3) and as well as responding to the visual stimulus of working on the canal side bank, Helen was also responding to mark making in previous images - so the actual paintings themselves were a source of ideas and visual stimulus. Part of me wanted to go back and pick up my brushes, ink tense pencils and water colours and another part of me was saying how can I use that idea in my photography without creating an awful mess! Something to think about.
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