
It was all a bit of an anticlimax this morning after last night’s gathering with the Elgin clan. They arrived fresh from Thursday’s mountain biking in Innerleithen and yesterday’s shopathon at Alpkit and so were more than ready for pizzas at Söderberg. I had no such excuse, but wired in anyway.
Then it was back to the Dower House for ice cream and chat. Because we rarely see each other face to face, it was good to hear what Anna and Finlay had been up to. I gathered that studying for their Highers and mountain biking take up almost all their time. Judging by the descents on some of those biking runs, it’s a wonder they still have all their good looks. I would be afraid to walk what they do on 2 wheels.

The oak trees nearby have been the first to shed their leaves and the pavements have a carpet of wet oak leaves. This one was on its own….

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