We get the sunset proper between spring and autumn equinoxes, and again for a week or two either side of the winter solstice. In autumn and spring, it hides behind a neighbouring building; we are shaded, but the evening light floods the land and buildings around us. This can have a charm of its own and creates little vistas that draw my eye as I move around the house
This is a ridiculously overambitious shot on a cheap phone: huge depth of field; huge range of light intensity, maximum zoom, wide colour palette. Well never mind, it records one of the best moments of the day: a quiet cup of afternoon tea after a dull morning of paperwork, an afternoon trip to collect fruit from the orchard, and errands in the village.
Evening light on a meadow in the middle distance, filtering through the garden Bramley, with a serendipitously placed candle lantern, rope from the hammock (overdue for packing away), Michaelmas daisies, and part of a pagoda for a jasmine to climb. If you are really sharp-eyed, there is a shire horse, chestnut and white in the sun, spotlit, enjoying the last lush growth of a warm autumn
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