Since having new curtains fitted, the inside of this flat is pretty dark at night, with very little of the substantial ambient light in the vicinity getting in to disturb our sleep. So we both slept fairly late this morning, after a late night.
We took it gently in the morning, pottering down to the market to collect some baked goods, and I also picked up a few bits and pieces to make a chorizo sausage casserole with a different recipe. It turned out very nicely.
I popped out a second time to collect my new reading glasses, so now I can have a pair in the office and a pair at home, and I don't have to carry my glasses around all the time in my bag (or risk forgetting them). After that, I went on the peloton for a fairly gentle but reasonably long cycle, which improved my mood no end.
A quiet evening, catching up on some reading.
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