Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Rather dull but warm this morning, I took a stroll down by the riverside, whipped out my camera to discover I'de forgotten to put the SD card back in last night, not all was lost as I had my phone with me and I'm reasonably pleased with the result, it's had a little editing with the help of Photomatix Pro, Topaz FX & Aperture, is that cheating!
Since getting back home we've not budged as my beloved is feeling a little under the weather, given me time to catch up on some of the foreign drama's I keep recording off BBC4, how I ever existed before Spiral, The Killings, Borgen & Inspector Montalbano I'll never know, Simon Cowell, eat your heart out.

As an aside I'm halfway through uploading some photos from yesterdays trip to Nidderdale onto You Tube, I'll stick a link to it on tomorrows Blip but if you hunt out Nidderdale Views, The Choir of Unbelievers or dcred1 you may be able to find it sooner.

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