Post run

It's a pity you can't see the medal we got for finishing, beautifully handmade wooden discs, made by the organiser.
It was wet and muddy, hilly and technical. I was glad a friend gave me a heads up about how slippery it was yesterday and I decided to forego comfort for the chance of staying upright and took my seriously lugged trail shoes.
Dina was amazing, I really must do more hill running so I don't let her down on that part of the course. I realise she doesn't have a command to slow down, in desperation I shouted wait and she immediately stopped and waited (bless her), but on release she just shot off again.
3.35 miles in 31:38 averaging 9:25/mile. Quite pleased with that considering I'll be 65 in less than 2 months. Full results out tomorrow

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