Becoming visible
A lovely walk in the reserve this morning, with sunshine and almost some warmth. By now it's turned grey and much colder, but how can you complain with such a start?
I say I took this early, but the properties on this shot insist I took it at 4.05pm - now why on earth would that happen? It's like the kitchen radio sometimes refusing to produce sound. The gremlins seem to have moved in here.
Back to the reserve, I'm noticing the small birds are beginning to come out from under their summer invisibility cloaks. A lot of leaves are falling, particularly the willows, so I guess they have to, but they're also more audible and assertive about food. It's good to see - I miss them when they're not around.
Thank you all for your lovely comments, stars and heart yesterday, yes, I'm completely fine today, no more feeling faint. I don't know what that was all about, but it was just a one off.
Hope you've all had a great weekend, and have a good start to your week xx
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