Variable Visibility

Woke up this morning and couldn't work out why it was so dark - opened up and realised there was no sun! We could hear the whoosh of hot air balloons, but couldn't see anything, very strange. Walked up the Land, and realised there were at least six of them, appearing and disappearing in the clouds.

Clouds can mean rain, and the weather has been teasing us all day long, but not enough to even settle the dust as yet... 

We set off for church at the usual (winter) hour of 11am, but remembered as we rounded the castle that today it was at 4pm, followed by a procession with Our Lady of Alcance ("Reach" - she helped the Portuguese reach a victory against the Spanish in 1400 or thereabouts). Interesting to see her emerging with a raincoat on.

- although no rain, really, as yet, at least it looks more hopeful...
- and enough sun to charge the batteries (though we've been sparing with the electricity today
- a friendly exchange with the new Padre

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