Ruby wedding anniversary

We have had a great day! We walked up the lane behind the villa, with increasingly amazing views, see extra. We had a flyby of Griffon and Black vultures, around 8 of each. Plenty of eagles too. We seem to be staying by an important thermal, as they were all spiralling up and then drifting over our heads. The track leads up to a spring where some young people were swimming, then on up to the ridge. We decided to turn back as we had insufficient water for a lovely walk. Instead, we had a relaxing swim in our pool.
Later on we set off down to Pollenca to find a restaurant. This is a delightful ancient town with extremely narrow streets, Rob did very well finding a place to park! We climbed about 1000 steps to the church on the hill, to work up an appetite, before choosing a restaurant in the central square, Q11.
We had an excellent meal, and the ambiance was delightful.
So here’s to another 40…….

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