3 Stooges!

Auntie Gillian and Uncle Jim are getting an extension. Big Johnny has been helping them dig it out. It is hard work but he has enjoyed it and wee Johnny has loved helping his Dad and Uncle Jim. Today Brando got roped in to help too and wee Johnny is standing back "supervising" here too.

Megan is having a sleepover at Anna's house tonight so the rest of us are now having a sleepover at Auntie Gillian and Uncle Jims so the boys can finish filling the skip in the morning!

You will all be pleased to hear that I have recovered from my mega hangover yesterday too!

170 squats done this morning and then I done some more with Gillian this afternoon ..... It's our day of rest tomorrow and then we return to squatting on Tuesday with 190...... Ouchy!


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