The Further Adventures of Caroline

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

We went on another Little Mission today. Just to the supermarket, but she loves it. 

"I feel like Normal People," she said. 

She means she likes being able to load up our shopping into the back of the car and not have to drag it back home or hire a taxi. Like Normal People do. 

(For your edification, I took this picture of the magazine rack. From them, you can see how UK-centric we are here.) 

Caro is going to Melbourne this week, with two of her buddies from back in the Mount. It's causing Caro some anxiety because it's the biggest trip she's had since 2017. 

I know that's not very long ago, but a lot of things have changed since then. And Caro has got used to being in her house, even if she sometimes feels constrained by it. It's a big deal for her. 

But I'm sure she'll have a good time. And if she can handle Little Missions like a Normal Person, I'm sure she'll be fine with a Big Mission too. 


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