Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Old boots

I gave my old boots a bit of care and attention with a clean and then two coats of NikWax to treat and waterproof the leather.

I left them overnight and put them on this morning. I am so used to them squeaking as I walk it was like I had gone deaf - I do have one ear which blocking and unblocking as I try to clear the earwax ( not NikWax)

These boots are very old perhaps 1993 purchase.

We cut the grass today it’s been many weeks but it was worth it

Then we watched Parliament which was surreal. Urgent PM questions with no PM then new Chancellor of the Exchequer saying all the same things he had already said in a statement this morning.

The PM did turn up but said nothing. she looked unwell? Perhaps recovering from anaesthetic or sedation.

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