
By ineffable

Unexpected Beauty

I am not sure if I am talking about the art on the wall, the resilience of the people standing in front of the wall, or a country filled with wall after wall after wall like this one...

I haven't posted many pictures like this because they don't do justice to what we're seeing every day. It certainly doesn't do justice in telling the story of generations of families in this nations that has spent decades suffering not only sectarian violence, but served as the stomping ground of the countries it's sandwiched between, it's saturated with refugees and fighting wars on behalf of so many different people I am not sure anyone knows why they are fighting anymore and who they are fighting against. Its army is impotent to defend itself, its terrorist organization is the only thing maintaining a very tense peace and they sit on the eve of what may prove to be the most historic election this nation has ever seen.

I read the news every day. Pakistan, Sri Lanka... people suffering and displaced all over. Humanitarian Aid organizations maxed out on every level, and still the Palestinians sit here 60 years later, waiting to return to their homeland, and the Lebanese are fighting to establish their own.

I have thought a lot about the U2 song One a lot since I've been here. "We're one, but we're not the same... we hurt each other, then we do it again."

I don't know what the answer is. I wish I did. Today my love and hope are feeling small in light of what stands in front of us globally. I am reminding myself what Mother Teresa said in response to the question of if it bothered her that what she was doing was just a drop in the ocean, "No, because if we didn't do it, then the ocean would be one drop less."

Let it rain.

Here are my favorite shots from today.

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