Great British Gardens

My first task this morning was to visit the local Waitrose to stock up, leaving my Mum safely at home. I didn't  want to risk her knocking  her bad leg on a supermarket trolley. The manager at the care agency has referred her to the District Nursing team but they won't be calling around for a couple of days. Fortunately my Mum is not complaining  about her leg hurting. 

This  evening she was keen to attend her local Horticultural   Society meeting so I was happy to take her. The speaker, Andrew Babicz, a very experienced and knowledgeable horticulturalist talked most eloquently on the subject of "Great British Gardens". Currently he is a judge with the London Gardens Society so he has worked in, and seen, a few gardens in his time.
He showed lots of photos too of his chosen great gardens and the plants within them. I picked up ideas of gardens I would  like to visit eg Logan Botanic  Gardens, Levens Hall, Geoff Hamilton's Gardens, and Hyde Hall, and others I should like to revisit such as Inverewe, Great Dixter, and Bodnant to name just a few.  
While my Mum's patch couldn't really be described as a Great British Garden,  I do find the subject of my blip, which is a  small Acer in her garden,  a very attractive tree, and the small birds  seem to agree as they love poking around in it looking for titbits (aphids, spiders,etc) as well as hiding in it for cover.

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