Flying high.

I think J had the best night's sleep, last night, he has had, since the shingles started, over a month ago.  He still has a long way to go, but a small improvement is very welcome. He even suggested we go to Aldi this morning, only because we were short of a few things we can only get in Aldi. and he did buy some beer,  although he hasn't been drinking any alcohol for some time, and. He also bought some car mats he had seen advertised online. 
I phoned AO last night, regarding compensation for the hassle with the tv, and I did get some money off, but not without a hard barter, from me. I was offered a £30 voucher which had to be spent in AO, which I didn't want, so she went back to the supervisor and offered me £10, and a voucher, again I said no, back again to her supervisor. I said £50 money off, back to the supervisor, and was eventually offered £40 which I  settled for, but it was a hard won case. I have done piles of washing today, as the weather isn't looking so good for the next few day's.

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