Look at that face!

It was a Jasper day today. I arrive at his at 8.15 to the biggest beaming smile and cuddles and the 1st thing he says is "cuppa tea?" and likes to sing BaaBaa Black sheep immediately. 

He ushers Mummy out the door without any kisses or cuddles and we stay and play for a few hours before he comes back to mine - except now he quite likes Simple Sounds on You Tube - especially Ants Go Marching. He will tell you if he doesn't like a song that comes on!!

For some reason Jasper seems to really like Mr W. He stares t him and constantly says "Grandad" and sometimes plays Pee-Po with him. Strange as Mr W isn't great with kids and certainly doesn't help me at all but he smiles back at Jasper and is kind to him when he does interact!

I take Jasper for a walk in the buggy to get him off to sleep for his morning nap. A bit tricky when you have to walk through a building site with beeping diggers he's fascinated by!!!

I then give Jasper his lunch. He's a great eater but VERY messy!! It literally gets everywhere. He had more yoghurt in his hair than in his mouth!

After playing for a bit with a new tea set and play kettle (because he says cuppa tea all the time!) I took him for another walk to the park where I watched a squirrel move all its babies to another nest. Never seen that before! Jasper enjoyed having the park to himself and its a nice little local one.

Then back to his house the long way round so he could have a little sleep in the car. Daddy was then back from work at 5 o'clock to take over but Jasper didnt want to know him and cried his eyes out as I left which actually broke my heart. I adore having him and we have a really close, loving relationship but its so hard to leave when he's sad. I would have stayed until he was feeling happier but Daddy insisted he would be ok so I left.

Matty has had a sick bug for the last 4 days. He's still quite poorly today but with his other nanny. Seeing pictures of him sad too is ....well.... sad!

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