Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Fish out of water / Gasping for air

There are still some parallels between my career and that of MsTrussed
She holds a position that she really, really wants, but is hopeless in the role, whereas I'm being asked to perform tasks I really, really do not want to do, no matter how easy I find them.
This, in case you didn't recognise it, is my toilet rose.
It was my leaving gift from my previous job, which was an horrific career mis-match.
Today the rose rewarded me by letting me know that it appreciates my care and attention.
It's been a long journey for both of us.
I had no idea it would take this long when I took that first step, but I think I may now, finally, be starting the descent.
It looks to be a bit of a bouncy landing, but I trust the pilot.
I'd have preferred this image to have had a sharper focus, and with better lighting it could have had.
My lighting system of choice is organic.

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