
If you stand outside the door pictured in yesterday's blip this is the view you get of Fearnan and Loch Tay. It was a beautiful morning spent making a fun bird with the wonderful Anne. Freya and I both made fun feathered friends in record time as well as packing up and clearing out by lunchtime.

We enjoyed the drive home with he rain only kicking in at Crianlarich. It was a bit sad on the stretch of road above Loch Tay between Fearnan and Killin, there is a wooded stretch where Freya and I saw our only ever red squirrel a couple of years ago driving down for Inverness, just as we approached the spot I was saying "this is where we saw..." And before I could finish my sentence we passed a dead red squirrel killed on the road, so sad.

Carlos had missed us and its good to be home. He made us a delicious home made pizza for dinner and I added a peanut butter cheesecake with caramel sauce (think snickers bar) to the homecoming feast. Noah will be home later this evening and it will be nice to all be back under one roof.

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