Tiny peppers with unappealing name...

Dan was in charge of the peppers this year. They did okay. This very small plant did really well with loads of HOT peppers on it. He had gotten the seeds from a seed exchange. They are supposed to be somewhat rare.  Neither of us have tried them but we've looked them up. Dan decided to dig it up and put it in a pot and bring it in for the winter. I imagine he will dry some. I'm not into really hot peppers. I like a little spice but nothing that is going to hurt my mouth. So if you've read this far these are a favorite in Thailand. The name is the resemblance to small rodent poops... ie. Rat Turd... Yep, that is their lovely name... eyeroll... Anyhow, the plant is really pretty. On the Scoville scale they are around 200,000 units. In comparison a jalapeno is 2,500-8000. A cayenne pepper is 30,000-80,000 units. They are not for the faint of heart. We are also making sure the plant is well out of the way of the cat!

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