If you're not working for a length of time, you rarely get excited about bank holidays or other folk having time off..... cos isn't it doing just what you've been doing all that time... Not Working?
Today felt different. First there was K from the East and then there was D from..... well, here! They were both off and each made a very agreeable cinematic experience companion. There was a Double bill. Not exactly back to back but with a civilised lunch then 'bucks in between, where I snapped K's Flat White.
Iron man was much funnier than I expected. I thought K was going to split a side/ burst a gut / get thrown out at one point. I realise now why FB peeps were talking about Ghandi - he was hilarious.
Lunch was lovely. Lauders. Need I say more? And film 2 was the controversial Oblivion. Controversial only cos so many folk have said don't see it. Not the best film ever. But far from the worst. Frothy 2 hours of futuristic flying around.
Anyway home now, tired out.... cos it was a Bank Holiday day!
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