the kindness…

…of strangers

comes in many forms

this time, in a starbucks drink

a friend picked me up - to run a quick - errand and on the - way home we decided - to swing by starbucks - as we entered the - the drive through i - said to her - ‘let me treat’ - because she’s been - driving me hither - and yon for - months now and - hasn’t allowed me - to repay her in - any way; has simply - been a kind - servant and friend - to me - so she finally agreed - but when we got to - the window to pay - we were told the car - in front of us - had already paid for us - saying ‘have a beautiful day’

the kindness of strangers - comes in many forms this being - just one and it helped - to restore my faith - in humanity today - where we often see - people being ungrateful - and mean towards - each other, often being - unkind or ‘less than’ - in many circumstances when it would be - just as easy to - lend a helping hand - this simple act said - to me there still - exists people who care - about their fellow man - enough so to pay - it forward, to extend a - simple gift of thoughtfulness - ‘just because’ they found - value in another human - and so decided to make it…


happy day.....

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