Forty years ago this month I sat on a bus after a day at high school, returning home. Opposite me sat a fellow student who was in my Chemistry class. We had never spoken. He pulled out a copy of In The City and I blurted out “You know The Jam?” I had discovered The Jam a few months before when visiting family in England, but didn’t know anyone else who knew of them. Henry became my first proper boyfriend and even though we didn’t date for all that long, we have remained friends ever since.
That said, we also haven’t seen each other in about 30 years, but have kept in touch thanks, in part, to social media.
Through an unusual series of events, he was in England this past weekend and had the day in London. We met up after work and instantly recognised each other. It was great to see him again and hopefully it won’t be so long until the next time.
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