Woken with a bang

We were woken by thunder, lightning and torrential rain at about 6.30 a.m.  We had to be up reasonably early to take JJ’s car to MK for a service, but we’d set the alarm, so there was no need for the weather to intervene.

Having picked JJ up from the garage we headed to central MK and I dropped JJ into Boots where he got his flu jab.  Naturally he needed a hot chocolate and cake to recover.

After leaving him to wander around the men’s department I went down to look around the women’s department.  On making my way back to meet JJ I did a double-take when I spotted JohnRH coming towards me.  Such a lovely surprise as he and W are much missed in our neck of the woods.

 Son rang this afternoon to say that the boys’ school had flooded and they’d been sent home.  It’s as well he works from home, although a bit inconvenient.

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