Private View

Spent the day at home following up on things.  Sorted out the issue of my account at work.  My original contract was supposed to end tomorrow so the ICT and P&O departments scheduled the closure of my account tomorrow, and clearly hadn't been informed that I will now be hanging around till the end of November.  Also sorted out some details with regards to the case.  It does feel as though things are really moving forward now, albeit still at a snail's pace, but maybe I can say that the snail filled up its tank and is creeping at a faster pace.  Finished correcting homework and mailing it back.  Not much, but it's done.  And then the usual MOOCking, some gaming, and kitchen duties.  AW continued lathering up the walls of the front shed after getting a frresh bucket at the DIY, and then got picked up by Beau for Thursday evening live bridge.  It has actually been a good week for bridge -- he finished second last Tuesday, third yesterday evening online, first tonight.  Best of all, after a day of continuous rain, the sun came out.  I had already shot the view when it was still wet and grey, but got motivated again when it brightened.

A breathe-in-breathe-out day.

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