Waiting for Amazon

Shades of Dios de los Muertos, an important observance around here, with these two skeletons having a companionable chat as the giant spider festoons the house with its web. I liked the reality check of the Amazon delivery box. Maybe it's an offering to the dead....

We passed a giant grey ghoul-like figure looming over the fence as we were driving to the grocery store, but it was not really possible to stop and capture it. Or even ascertain what exactly it was supposed to be other than about 15 feet tall and very tattered.

I have realized that a lot of the succulents in the fire garden have thrived and multiplied until they are trying to grow out of their pots since we planted them. I separated a couple and am trying to root them in pots before putting them in the ground.The third, a small very elegantly symmetrical agave had grown so much that it was root bound and cracking the pot. John couldn't pry it out, so we decided it was worth sacrificing the pot to free it and hopefully give it a new lease on life in the rock garden. Rock has settled in nicely and although, like the others, seems a lot smaller than the effort in moving him would suggest, we're happy with the way things are shaping up.

I thought I was finished with the current quilt top, but I laid it out on the guest bed* and decided to experiment with borders to enlarge it a bit. It might work after all.  I'm determined to use fabric I already have, so more experimentation is needed.


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