
By conventgirl

The lone tulip

I have spent the day working in the garden.

First was lawn mowing using my new lawn mower. I have 3 mowers, none of which work very well. One doesn't cope with my uneven ground very well, one either cuts too long or scalps the grass and the 3rd is just too heavy to push. After the last cut I decided enough was enough and I was going to buy a new one. After extensive internet research I decided the best one was from Lidl. It is lightweight, powerful, has a wider blade and a bigger bag. It is fantastic and the whole job took about half the time it used to. I am a happy bunny!

That was followed by tidying the rockery where I discovered this poor lone tulip. I have a group of them in a different part of the garden and am at a loss as to why this one is growing where it is. It goes quite well with the other plants so I hope it will multiply over the years.

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