LA dawn

Pulling into the dock at Longbeach where we will get off the boat and head for home. An early photo I know, but I couldn't resist trying to capture it with my phone as camera stuff was all packed away already. (Suitcases had to be left outside the cabin by 10pm last night.)
A very smooth disembarkation after breakfast and we were all shepherded onto buses for the trip to LAX.
The boss and I have talked about the experience, which is, after all, why we took this cruise.
I think that other cruisers have oversold us on the quality of everything, or, as the boss so wisely said, "we are already spoiled brats so it's going to be difficult to impress us."
Will we go again? Probably at some point, but the price will have to be spectacularly cheap., the main problem being the exhorbitant prices they charge for alcohol. 
Here's an example, two Grey Goose and water including mandatory 18% tip and whatever else they can dream up to add to the charge were USD33.04. 
That's approximately CAD22 each! way too rich for my blood.
And the supposedly superb cruiseline food? A bit on the average side actually, nothing to write home about.
So now all that's left is to dream about Mexico in 5 weeks time.

Ah well...

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