Mandatory sunset

This could be anywhere.
And it is.
The rest of the day was spent in frustration. There was a shore visit planned for Santa Barbara. First tender was due to leave for shore at 2.15pm. Last tender back to the boat at 7.15pm. If you miss that, you miss the boat as it will sail without you.
As first time cruisers, we didn't understand how this whole tender thing works. It seems you have to get a ticket, which has a boarding group number on it. When your group is called, you can board and go ashore.
We were number 27 and as such didn't get to board the tender until 4.30. Basically we had 2 hours ashore. 
What's the bloody point! 
Our cruising afficionado  friends tell us that cruising allows them to see different places. For two hours? I call bullshit. You see buggerall except the first two or three streets near the "port" whether you tender in, or the ship docks.

Ah well...

Ah well...

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