
By Madchickenwoman


Oscar had his annual check up today so I invited Nellie of the Woods along! She sat on the bench outside the vets which caused Oscar great consternation! He just wanted to join her and whined the whole time we waited! I didn't dare take him out to her as he dislikes going to the vets! He has been so many times due to his split nails he is a little scared! Well turns out he has more split nails than whole ones! He is on a supplement but it's going to take many more months to see if it is being effective. It's a Berger Picard weakness. His teeth will also need a clean in perhaps a year or two - in the meantime I am going to try a toothbrush on him! Yeh I'm thinking thats going to be difficult! Finally he has put a little weight on - so I will have to carefully weigh out his food! He often doesn't eat till the evening so often only eats once a day! The good news is that I don't have to take him back to Bude for a heart scan - I thought I was supposed to but nop - his heart condition is not a problem! Yay!
Nellie and I took him for a walk through the very small village - just loved the cows, and apart from the one in the foreground showing interest in us the rest were happy to stay where they were!
Finally we jumped in the car and headed to the wonderful deli Tre Pol and Pen.  We shared a lovely slice of lemon and elderflower cake! I then went in to buy some goodies, one being a bottle of Gin for my sister! Made in Tintagel at The Wrecking Coast distillery it's named Clotted Cream Gin!  I thought it apt as a Christmas present as she loves Gin and Cornwall! Hopefully the description will be true as  it says :_
12 botanical gin to give you a three dimensional flavour profile - bright juniper and citrus on the lips, vanilla and floral hints with underlying rooty notes are followed on the palate by warm spice and a subtle hint of creaminess on the finish!
As I was buying some cheese I overheard two women saying that Liz Had resigned! When I went out to Nellie we both said "have you heard the news?!" I couldn't wait to get home and check twitter! 
Just as I was going up the steps Circus Girl walked by - we caught up on each others news and she asked when was I going to join the Tai Chi group. I explained I was wary as I didn't want to do the games he had done when I last joined his group elsewhere. She said he didn't, just did Qi Gong exercises as a warm up - plus the beginners group was very small - I'd been told it was large! I decided I would join on the next session with her. She is going on a 5 day Christian retreat centering on the Christian approach to nature - sounds intriguing!  So in two weeks time Tai Chi for me! 
Rest of the evening spent knitting, watching an interior design show and reading twitter for the reaction to Liz's resignation. Oh the horror when I read Boris may apply - how? Just how can he stand again? Particularly as he is still under investigation. Words fail me about the Tory party. 

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