Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips


I was at my Doctor's Surgery mid-morning to have my fourth Covid vaccine and flu' jabs which all went smoothly. No effects yet!

Early afternoon, Mrs BB and I set off on a walk from home up our local Coppett Hill and along the ridge through ancient woodland to the River Wye under Yat Rock. On the way down I spied some deer, and keeping dead still and watching them, after a while I spotted the Stag looking at me. We must have been a good 100 metres away so the camera was at full stretch. It's made my day to get a photo' of a wild one as opposed to a deer park as they are so aware and skittish they're often gone before you can get focus!

We're off out tonight for our 'Spoons experience. No doubt after the jabs, exercise and a few G&T's I'll sleep well !

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