The South Bank

In Melbourne. Before sunrise.

I went to sleep early (Melbourne time) last night, and consequently woke early this morning. Essentially still on New Zealand time, I guess. Headed out for a run in the new new shoes. They are amazingly comfortable. I'm tempted to say the most comfortable shoes I have ever run in; better even than the old Laser shoes 30 years ago.

I went on the sort of run I like to do in Melbourne when I'm staying in the central city. From the hotel down to the Yarra, crossed over on the Princes Bridge, and went east on the south bank. Crossed the river on the Swan Bridge and continued east to the Morrell Bridge; recrossed and continued north to recross on the Hoddle Bridge. In the past (when I ran faster and longer) I often continued east before returning. This morning I went back from Hoddle Bridge, recrossing Morrell Bridge on the way back.

As I came back towards the centre of the city I was taken by the reflections of the rising sun in the tower blocks of the city. I couldn't resist it, when I saw a large clump of New Zealand flax by the path, and I stopped to get a picture which I have put in blipfolio.

There, because this first picture on my run this morning really took my fancy. The South Bank of Melbourne is vibrant and full of life in the evenings. The lights at about 0630 this morning were almost as bright as in the full flow of an evening's activities. The reflections are a real plus. I just like this more.

Following from ceridwen's comments on the picture of the Seafarers Bridge which I posted yesterday, I have decided to put another photo of that bridge on blipfolio as well

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