
By Nettenet

Terrific Tuesday

On one of the tourist maps left at the house, J saw drawings of seals along the coast and wanted to see them.  We headed towards Berck, parked up and went searching.

On the beach I tried to paddle through a pool of water but realised it was too deep. Boots back on I climbed over the rocky jetty and tried to catch up with J who was a woman on a mission.  The men, particularly S who does as little walking as possible unless it’s on a golf course,  were not convinced there were any seals and found a bench on the promenade to enjoy the glorious sunshine (I had stripped my top off by now and was in my vest top … October!).  

I heard the seals before seeing them and what a delight it was to see. Not realising but we had timed it perfectly for the tide to be out so they were basking in the sun on the sand banks.  Younger ones playing in the water.  I sat and enjoyed watching them for a while.  J went back to the boys and told them to come and see.  It was just fab to see.

From there we headed to Abbeville but what a disappointment.  We had a quick walk round and back in the car to look for somewhere else to visit and chose Saint Valery sur Somme.  A lovely old town with ramparts and cobbled streets (see extra) on the river Somme.  Had we been arrived earlier we would have tried to get on the steam train that goes around the bay. Somewhere to visit again I feel.  S was quite hungry but there wasn’t anywhere open and one place that we managed to grab coffee had stopped serving food.  We found that during our whole visit that there was very little open.

Out in the evening to eat in Le Touquet.  We hadn’t booked but chanced going into a restaurant and it turned out to be the worst meal of the holiday…. And blooming expensive too.

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