Hang 'em high

My, but the skies were banging around earlier this morning! Woke me up at about half five, which is not a kindness I look forward to nowadays. Torrential rains lulled me to sleep again, though, so it was all ok in the end. ;-)

The Sun which followed the storm was delightful and we took a walk and Miss did some gardening while I slogged through the France and Spain photos... nearly all done now.

I was heartened to see the size of the unreported pro-EU march in London, but less so to see so many people with short term memories hoping that the slime gets his Churchillian second chance at PM. It didn't end well for Churchill.

Anyhow, this fellow was sunning itself high up between the house and the boundary fence. He was the only thing of interest, and I only got the one shot before he nipped into the security light fitting...

And now there's a lovely rainbow... of course there is.

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