
By cracker

Boys and water!

Still not feeling well so yesterday Kaz took spence and Joti to the shops to buy a present for Jazelle, a girl in Spence's class who's party was yesterday afternoon. It gave me a chance to lay on the couch and rest!

Kaz and Spence went to Jazzelle's roller skating party for two hours in the afternoon and apparently it was very funny! A bunch of 5 year olds trying to skate! Everyone else except Spence seemed to get the hang of it after one go around hanging onto a parent but spence was too distracted by everything and seemed to forget that he had wheels on his feet!! He had a great time though and won a prize!

Today Kaz went to Ipswich to check out houses there for a client. That left me taking spence to school and looking after joti! All I felt like doing was sleeping in bed all day! I have some sort of gastro bug which is lingering around! Luckily Joti had two sleeps today and wasn't too demanding for the rest of the time!

After school today Spence decided he wanted to go for a swim in the pool. We haven't been in for a while and the pool has been leaking slowly. It just got fixed today and the hose was in it filling it up again. I think that was the main reason Spence wanted to go in! He wanted to play with the hose!

Joti and I went in to the pool area as well and I should have known that I couldn't keep Joti out of the water! She loves it! She ended up getting wet up to her middle and was laughing and having a great time!

Here is Spence loving playing with the hose!

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