Getting to know him.

I've been a bit scarce the last couple of days, being bogged down with "tax stuff", adding figures into programmes, etc. I think I may have gone cross-eyed and definitely prefer to see images of the written word rather than numbers in front of my eyes all day!

I'll add yesterday's blip after the bookwork is finished, which should be tomorrow, but just wanted to say a huge thank you for all of the lovely comments that have been left for my beautiful 14 year old half-Persian cat, Phoebe, on Saturday. I'll reply to every one of you, and visit your journals, once I get all of these numbers to my accountant.

Today's blip is my new little friend, the Butcher Bird. I introduced him here only on the 23rd April, telling you all how incredibly timid he is, yet during the last couple of weeks he has gained so much confidence. I can now go up to within about two metres of him, and he even chortles away as if he is talking to me.

You really don't need speech to be able to get to know another creature, it's all in the connection of the souls. :))

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