
By 1bluebell

A normal day

I have now finished uploading all of our cruise pictures which can be seen from here if you are interested.
Both vet bills paid and insurance claim put in for Jasper. he is brighter today but still very tired. He is eating well too. Had to take Ted to the vet for a followup injection and asked the vet if she needed to see Jasper for a followup. She said so long as he was improving no.
3 wash loads done hung on the line and it dried. Must iron tomorrow. probably another 2 loads tomorrow.
This afternoon was spent in the garden . Alan mowed the lawn whilst I dug out the last of the runner beans and dug the patch over. Put the fallen leaves over the bed for the worms to do their work over winter. 
Alan went off to evening class tonight forgetting it was half term even though we had spoken about it earlier today.
I planted this pot up just prior to going away. It has filled out nicely

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