A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Life on the edge. #2

Had to go into town today so thought I'd have a walk down on to the Tyne bridge to see the kittiwakes. I am fascinated by them. I have no idea how they nest here, but hoping to see an egg or a chick sometime. This shows the spikes put up on the buildings to stop them landing (clearly doesn't always work)
Lots of the buildings have nets up too. I quite like seeing these birds but understand that not everyone wants to look out the window at a seagull and big pile of guano!

It's warm today, so I have taken my bodywarmer off! Loads of people on the Quayside today, but funnily enough only me hanging over the edge of the Tyne bridge!

Hope you've had a warm and sunny day wherever you are.

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